====== Admin Home ====== This page in your admin, displays important //overall// information about your site. It also has a section that displays the latest Geodesic news, so you can keep up to date and be aware of when new versions of the software are released. ===== Total Viewed Count ===== This stat is a count of the total "views" for all live classifieds / auctions on the site. This stat can fluctuate quite a bit at times. Notice that it is a sum total of views for live listings. So this gives you at any one time the total number of views across all LIVE auctions / classifieds on the site. This stat is affected by several things. - When a listing expires the view count for the expiring auction / classified are removed from this stat. - If you allow a relatively short max life time for your classifieds / auctions this stat could be drastically affected but could give you better short term indication of listing views to your site. If you allow listings to have durations on longer time frames this stat will definitely have a higher total viewed count than the same traffic site with shorter listing durations. - Note that the view count can be abused by clients. Simply refreshing the listing details page can affect the view count for that specific listing. If you want a truer statistic for the traffic to your site we suggest using an access log analyzer like AwStats which we use. ===== Current # Active Admin Workers ===== The **Current # Active Admin Workers** listed under **Software Version & License** section on the home page, indicates how many active admin workers are currently logged in at the moment. An admin worker is **not** synonymous with the admin account, you can have multiple workers in your company that might all use the same username/password to log into the admin panel. In other words you can have many different workers all logged in using the same admin username/password. Note that there is only one main admin user built into the software, if you wish to have different admin user accounts with different username/passwords for each of your workers, you will need the Multi-Admin Addon. The info listed below that, which should look like this: [Maximum # Seats: Unlimited] That indicates that your license has no restrictions set on the number of admin workers that may be logged in at the same time. In the future we may add different license options, but for now all licenses have unlimited max # of seats (admin workers logged in at once). ===== Troubleshooting ===== Some of the data displayed on the admin home page depends on your server's configuration in order to operate. Below are a few common issues, and how to adjust your server settings to fix them. ==== News section is blank ==== **Symptom:** The news section at the bottom of the admin home page is blank, without any Geodesic Solutions news entries. **See: [[#Error retrieving latest version]] below.**((This will happen for all the same reasons that the latest version does not display, if the news section is blank, most likely so is the latest version number.)) ==== Error retrieving latest version ==== **Symptom:** Next to the "Latest Version" near the top of the page, it displays the message **Error retrieving latest version.**. First, check to see if the geodesicsolutions.com server is accessible. If you are reading this wiki article, then the geodesicsolutions.com server is up. If the Geo server is up and you still get this error, then your site is not able to "contact" the Geo server for some reason. The most common cause for this, is the **php.ini** setting **allow_url_fopen** being turned off. If you turn this setting to **on** in the php.ini configuration file, in most cases that will allow the software to retrieve the latest version, and keep you informed of when a new version is available. If **allow_url_fopen** is turned on but it still does not show the latest version, contact your host to see what might be preventing the software from connecting to geodesicsolutions.com((Specifically, the software needs to be able to connect to geodesicsolutions.com on **port 80**, tell your host this if you believe there might be a firewall that is blocking access.)).