====== Settings ====== Admin Page: **Addons > Social Connect > Settings** On this page you will find various settings specific to the Social Connect addon. ===== Facebook App/Site Settings ===== Settings in this section are specific to the Facebook app. ==== Facebook App ID ==== This is the App ID that cooresponds to the Facebook app for your website. Follow the instructions on [[addons/social_connect/start]] to set up your own Facebook app. If you already have the Facebook App set up for your site, you can find the App ID listed on the page: https://developers.facebook.com/apps ==== Facebook App Secret ==== This is the App Secret that cooresponds to the Facebook app for your website. Follow the instructions on [[addons/social_connect/start]] to set up your own Facebook app. If you already have the Facebook App set up for your site, you can find the App Secret listed on the page: https://developers.facebook.com/apps ==== Default Group ==== Set this to the group you want all users registered using the "login with facebook" to start out in.