====== URL Config [S] ====== From this page, you can change all the different aspects of a "URL Type". You can see the default configuration for the "listing details page URL" in the screen shot below. {{:admin_menu:addons:seo:general_settings:url_config:seo_url_config.png|}} Each URL is made up of different "URL Parts": * **Custom**: This is a custom text URL part, for example "listings" or "categories". The text can be changed by clicking on the text in the //Part// column. If you wish to remove the custom url part all together, click on the text to edit it, then make the field blank and save, and it will be deleted. You can also add more custom text parts by clicking the **Add new Custom URL Part** button. * **Optional** & **Required**: These parts are //dynamic//, and will be different according to the specific page being displayed. If Optional, you can elect to not use that URL part by un-checking the checkbox in the //Used?// column. Required fields are typically the ID or page #, and cannot be removed from the URL since that is how the software knows what to display on the page. * **File Extension**: This is what is put at the end of the URL. You can change it by clicking on the file extension's text in the //Part// column. If you wish to not have a file extension, edit the text and make the field blank.