====== View Discount Codes ====== This menu offers you the ability to view all of the Discount Codes you currently have in the system, as well as, the number of listings your site that used one of the Discount Codes you offered. This will help you to keep track of your marketing efforts. The image below depicts how this page would look if you have Discount Codes in the system: {{:admin_menu:addons:discount_codes:view_discount_codes:addons_disc_codes2.gif|}} ===== Discount Code Properties ===== ==== name ==== This column displays the name that you gave the Discount Code when creating it. ==== code ==== This column displays the alphanumeric code that you gave the Discount Code when creating it. This code is what users will type in to the Discount Code field on the Transaction Details Page during the Listing Process. ==== listings using ==== This column displays the number of times that the Discount Code has been used by users when listing items on your site. ==== active? ==== This column shows whether or not you have activated the Discount Code. You can have many Discount Codes in the system, but only activate certain ones if you wish. Discount Codes that are "inactive" cannot be used by your visitors during the listing process. ==== edit, delete, view ==== These links allows you to perform various operations to your existing Discount Codes.