====== Featured Gallery Settings ====== These settings affect how the featured gallery that shows when view categories, display. ===== Show featured gallery automatically? ===== If checked, will show the featured gallery above the listing results tabs when browsing categories. If this is not checked, it will only display by using the addon tag. ===== Show gallery on 2nd page and up? ===== Check this option if you want the featured gallery to show on the 2nd page and up when browsing categories. ===== Display Listing Type (Classified/Auction)? ===== Whether to show the listing type for each listing. ===== Use jQuery simple carousel? ===== If checked, will display using the jQuery simple carousel. ===== Max # of featured listings ===== This is the maximum number of listings to show. ===== # Columns in each Row ===== The number of columns to show on each row. Note that we recommend using 5 or less, as larger numbers could result in the images "over lapping". On some sites, may need to set less to prevent over-lapping, depending on image sizes used and width of the page. ===== Show Featured Level(s) ===== Check which level(s) to display in the featured gallery. ===== Thumbnail Max Size ===== The size to use for thumbnails. Take this size into account when setting the # columns in each row. ==== Use Dynamic Image Width ==== With RWD designs the gallery image needs to be more dynamic and proportionally shrink as the width of the browser window shrinks. So for those using the same RWD template set design for all devices you should check this setting so the thumbnail images will dynamically adjust in size as the browser window otherwise you will see thumbnails overlap each other. ===== Max Length of Description (if set to show) ===== The max length of description to show, if the description is set to display on the featured gallery. Set the value to 0 to have no limit. ===== Edit Which Fields are Displayed ===== This is just a note that you edit which fields are displayed in the featured gallery, in the admin at **Listing Setup > Fields to Use**.