====== Bulk Uploader ====== The Bulk Uploader Addon allows you, as the site administrator, to upload mass quantities of listings on a category by category basis for each user in your GeoProducts database. All your client needs to do is send you an excel spreadsheet (or .csv document) of their inventory. You then save this document as a .csv file in preparation for the upload. Once installed, the Bulk Uploader has its own series of admin pages which walk you through the upload process in an easy to follow, step-by-step format. If you make a mistake with the upload, or simply need to cancel and reupload a new spreadsheet every couple of days, no problem. The bulk uploader maintains a history of recent uploads and allows you to simply ‘undo’ an upload. All listings created by that upload are automatically removed from your site. Follow these links for [[Addons:Bulk Uploader:Settings|a walkthrough of the actual upload process]], [[Addons:Bulk Uploader:Installation|help with server configuration]], or [[Addons:Bulk Uploader:Format_tips|tips for properly formatting source data]] ===== Multi-category Uploads ===== Typically, we recommend Bulk Uploading into a single category at a time. However, it is possible to upload into multiple categories from a single source file. To do so, select the "Multiple Categories" checkbox on Step 1 of the uploader. This will modify Step 2 of the upload process as follows: * A new column type, **Category > Category ID#**, will be present. Create a column in your CSV file that holds the numerical category ID numbers for each listing, and assign it to this new column. Numerical category ID numbers may be found in the admin, on the Categories Setup page -- look for the number in (parentheses) by each category name. * When uploading to multiple categories, **category-specific questions will not be available**, and will not be present as selectable options in Step 2. Site-wide Optional Fields //will// remain available for all bulk uploads, and category-specific questions will still be available if doing a single-category bulk upload. ===== Multi-Part Uploads ===== You can break up the processing of an individual source file into many parts. This can be used to avoid server timeouts during large uploads, or to add artificial space to a large set of listings (preventing "flooding" your site with dozens or hundreds of new listings all at once). Within the 3rd step of the bulk upload process you'll see the **Multi-part Upload** setting as shown in the following screenshot: {{ :addons:bulk_uploader:bulk_upload_config1.png?800 }} Set the max number of listings to load with each attempt and the time between each attempt. Once you have begun the upload, it will continue to iterate within those parameters until the whole csv file is processed. **Note**: this feature cannot be used with Revolving Inventory uploads.