Table of Contents

Bugzilla Info

We use Bugzilla for all of our feature and bug tracking. And we have made it open to clients that have either a current support contract with us, or the support contract has been active within the last 2 years, to allow voting on items even if your support has expired already.

That means anyone with current or "recent" support can see upcoming features, and vote for them. We also have enabled posting new bugs/features, at least for now, we will be evaluating whether this is better than forcing to always report bugs to support or not. If there is some bug that affects you, just vote on it as a way to say "I need this fixed too" (just make sure it is same problem!) Or if there is some feature you would like added, vote on it as we will be using the votes to determine how popular a feature is.

Requires Separate Login, see Login Details. If this is your first time here, we highly recommend to read over the rest of this page first to get a better idea of how Bugzilla is used.

Next Maintenance Release (7.3.5):

Next Feature Release (7.4.0):



Note that each of the above, are actually just links to specific searches in Bugzilla. Read the sections below for tips on how to find what you want using the quick search within Bugzilla beyond these few quick links.

Vote on Features!

We encourage everyone to vote on features they want! Below is a screenshot showing the vote button on one of the Bugzilla entries:

We're having a Feature Vote Drive! Everyone be sure to vote on a feature if you would like to see it added!

Login Details

To log into Bugzilla, use the same e-mail and password as you use to log into the client area on our site, typically this is your e-mail used when you purchased the software, and the password you entered at that time. Note that it will NOT work with your client area username, you must use the e-mail and your password to log into Bugzilla. You can use the same login to download the software, or to view the helpdesk. If you do not know or have lost your password, use the lost password link on the client area login page to have a new password e-mailed to you. If you still have trouble, contact [email protected].

You will need either Active Support, or have had support active on your account in the last 2 years to be able to log into Bugzilla, as it is an advanced support related service. If you do not have active support and are past the 2 year window, you can log into the client area to renew your support and updates for your license.

Things to Know

There are a few basics you may need to know for Bugzilla to make more sense.



Quick Tour for 6.0

First make sure you read over the Things to Know section above. We'll give you a quick tour of the upcoming version 6.0.0. If 6.0 has already been released, you can replace 6.0.0 with whatever the next "upcoming release" is. Below we will list something to enter in the search (with a direct link to that actual search), and explain what each search is showing you.

Task List

A bug task list is something created by one of the Geodesic Developers. The task list is attached in ODT format so that it can be adjusted by the developers if needed. The task list should NOT be edited or created by anyone except for developers working on the bug. When starting out, they use the following starting template:


1) , 2)
Note that anything that is not already finished, is subject to be re-assigned to a later version. Just because something is assigned to a specific release, does not mean it is set in stone, so make sure to vote on the features you want even if they are already assigned to a release!
That is just how Bugzilla is, since it was designed as primarily a bug tracking system.
At least, by default you will. You can turn on/off each of the different notifications Bugzilla sends by editing the settings in your account within Bugzilla, one of those settings is whether to notify you on changes to bugs you have voted on.
This has not been tested yet for normal accounts, if you do not see a way to do this please let us know
Not to mention we will see it more quickly, as we work on the helpdesk on a daily basis. Bugzilla is monitored much less frequently than the helpdesk.
This only affects when you are displayed somewhere in Bugzilla, for instance on a comment you posted or if you voted on a bug or some other interaction
8) , 9) , 10) , 11) , 12) , 13) , 14)
Remember, everything is called a bug in Bugzilla, see first bullet point in Things to Know for more info.