{{indexmenu_n>300}} ====== Software Updates ====== There are 2 versions of the update instructions, the [[#Quick Update Instructions]] or the [[#Full Update Instructions]]. If this is the first time updating the software, or if you are updating from a version before **7.0.0**, or if you just like having all the instructions right in front of you with nothing left out, see the [[#Full Update Instructions]]. ===== Full Update Instructions ===== These instructions are //smart instructions//: When you first view the instructions, you will enter in the product and version you are updating //from//. It will then generate a set of instructions specific to that product and version, only showing the steps necessary for that //update path// and skipping anything that does not apply, such as any steps for updating older versions than you already have. We highly recommend using these instructions as they are much more thorough and include every step you might need. As long as you follow every single step in the instructions, you should have a smooth update. **[[https://geodesicsolutions.org/update-instructions/|Full Update Instructions]]**
Note: Any sections highlighted the same way that this note is, denote version specific steps. This makes it easy to spot the "special steps" that are different than normal, for anyone who is already familiar with the update process.
===== Quick Update Instructions ===== These instructions are great for anyone that is already familiar with the update process, to use as a "checklist" so nothing is forgotten. These instructions are short and to the point, and may be hard to follow if you are not familiar with the update process. If one of these steps is not clear to you, we recommend sticking to the [[http://geodesicsolutions.com/support/updates/|full update instructions]] until you are familiar with the update process.