====== Changes to Note ======
**Starting with 7.0.0**, all template changes are documented in the [[http://home.jonathanfoote.com/geo/upgrade/versions/changelogs.php|changelogs]]. See the changelogs for template changes on versions newer than 7.0.0.
This page documents every system or module template change (and rarely main_page templates), made in versions from **4.0.4 to 7.0.0**. For tips on updating the software when you have customized System or Module templates, see [[tutorials:design_adv:replace_system_templates]].
===== To 4.0.4 =====
There are a few slight changes to how some of the existing "core events" work.
==== system/browsing/listing_results.tpl 4.0.4 ====
You will need to make the following changes to bring your template to be compatible with 4.0.4.
**Replace with**:
{if $show_classifieds.addonData}
{foreach from=$show_classifieds.addonData item=addonRows}
{foreach from=$addonRows item=addonText}
Then in the same file:
**Find**:{if $addons_header}
**Replace with**:
{if $addonHeadings}
{foreach from=$addonHeadings item=aHeadings}
{foreach from=$aHeadings item=addonHeading}
==== system/search_class/search_results.tpl 4.0.4 ====
You will need to make the following changes to bring your template to be compatible with 4.0.4.
**Replace with**:
{if $tpl_vars.addonHeaders}
{foreach from=$tpl_vars.addonHeaders item=header}
{foreach from=$aHeaders item=header}
Further down in that same file:
**Replace with**:
{foreach from=$listing.addonColumns item=aCols}
{foreach from=$aCols item=addonColumn}
==== system/user_management/information/user_data.tpl 4.0.4 ====
You will need to make the following changes to bring your template to be compatible with 4.0.4.
**Find**:{if $addonPlanInfo}{$addonPlanInfo}{/if}
**Replace with**:
{if $addonPlanInfo}
{* Exit out of the table, so each addon can do things it's own way, and not
worry about changes to the addons if this template ever gets converted
to use no tables *}
===== To 4.1.0 =====
Note the following changes in 4.1.0.
==== Category Browsing Templates 4.1.0 ====
All templates relating to category browsing have changed, as below. Note the inclusion of two, new, "common" files, both shared by all of the other files used in category browsing.
**These files:**
**Have been replaced by:**
**And newly joining the party are:**
==== Image Upload Templates 4.1.0 ====
The image upload page during listing details has been re-written, as we have re-done the image upload page in 4.1.
**Modified/New Files**
* **system/order_items/images/** (all files in directory are either new, or have significant changes)
* **external/css/order_items/images/upload_images.css** -- new CSS file for styling of new image uploader
* **external/js/order_items/images/handlers.js** -- new JS file used for fancy image uploading. Works directly with SWF Uploader library for image uploading parts of it.
==== system/user_management/information/edit_user_form.tpl 4.1.0 ====
Added ability for order items to specify error message. Make the following changes:
{foreach from=$orderItemFields item=f}
==== system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl 4.1.0 ====
Changes to allow things to be added to listing details easier. In the file, **Find**:
{if $moreDetails}
{* Allow addons to insert stuff right below
the description field. *}
{foreach from=$moreDetails item='details'}
{if $details.full}
**Replace with**:
{if $moreDetails}
{* Allow addons to insert stuff right below
the description field. *}
{foreach from=$moreDetails item='details'}
{if $details.section_head}
{* Allow adding a section head above the next contents *}
In the same file, there is also new code to allow things to be added at the bottom of the page. For this, **Find**:
{if $display_description_last_in_form && ($editCheck || $field_config.editable_description_field)}
{include file="shared/details_description_box.tpl"}
And **Replace with**:
{if $display_description_last_in_form && ($editCheck || $field_config.editable_description_field)}
{include file="shared/details_description_box.tpl"}
{if $moreDetailsEnd}
{* Allow addons to insert stuff at the very end. *}
{foreach from=$moreDetailsEnd item='details'}
{if $details.section_head}
{* Allow adding a section head above the next contents *}
==== system/cart/payment_choices/gateway_box.tpl 4.1.0 ====
Typo in variable name used fixed, **find:**
{if $payment_choice.radio_box}
**Replace with:**
{if $payment_choice.radio_box}
Then, near bottom of the same template file, before the end tag a new section was added for recurring billing user agreement:
**Replace with:**
{if $payment_choice.user_agreement.box}
{elseif $payment_choice.user_agreement}
{include file="payment_choices/gateway_agreement.tpl"}
===== To 4.1.1 =====
Template changes found in version 4.1.1.
**Note:** In some of the template files, at the top, the //{* $Rev: ###$ *}// changed when there was not actually any changes in that particular template file((In SVN talk: We did a SVN copy of the main trunk to make a releases branch for 4.1 maintenance releases, and that ended up bumping the REV number on a lot of the files. Oops!)).
We've double triple verified the changes in 4.1.1, and **only the templates noted below actually have changes**, any files not mentioned below do not have any changes going from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 even if they received a Rev number bump.
==== geo_templates/default/external/css/order_items/images/upload_images.css 4.1.1 ====
This is technically not a template file, but a CSS file for upload images page. Note the changes below made to make the image description "wrap" inside the image box.
At the end of the file, **add**:
.fileTitleBox {
/* The box the title label and value are in */
white-space: normal;
==== geo_templates/default/system/browsing/common/listing_set.tpl 4.1.1 ====
There are a few changes to fix issues relating to the column sorting, see below for changes needed.
{if $cfg.sort_links}{/if}
{if $cfg.sort_links}{/if}
**Replace with**:
{* num_bids is not a sortable option -- there are never sort links *}
That's not the only change in this file:
In that same file, **find**:
{if $cfg.cols.image}
{if $l.full_image_tag}
{* most likely using geoImage::display_thumbnail(), which includes its own around the image *}
==== geo_templates/default/system/order_items/images/image_box.tpl 4.1.1 ====
Changes needed in order to make the image "description" text wrap instead of being one long line that goes past the edge of the box. Note that the changes in this file go along with the changes in //upload_images.css// file (first changed file noted in [[#To 4.1.1]]).
{$messages.500700}{if !$slotData.image.image_text}{$messages.500701}{else}{$slotData.image.image_text}{/if}
**Replace with**:
===== To 4.1.2 =====
Note the following changes made in 4.1.2
==== addons/storefront/templates/client/display_subscription_info.tpl 4.1.2 ====
This file changed drastically to add ability for user to cancel recurring billing payments for storefront subscriptions.
==== system/browsing/contact_forms/friend_form.tpl 4.1.2 ====
Corrected a misspelled variable name. The textarea of this form must send its data as c[senders_comment**s**], or else resulting emails will not include the personal note added by the sender.
Line 38 changes from:
==== system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl 4.1.2 ====
2 changes made in this file to allow order items to add "section description" to the listing details collection page.
{if $details.section_head}
{* Allow adding a section head above the next contents *}
{if $details.full}
**Replace with:**
{if $details.section_head}
{* Allow adding a section head above the next contents *}
{if $details.section_desc}
{* Allow adding a section description as well *}
{if $details.full}
There are 2 places in the file that the above modification is made. Be sure to apply the changes to both locations.
==== module/my_account_links.tpl 4.1.2 ====
We made two new variables available to this template. They are not used by default, but are available for use if desired:
{$num_open_feedbacks} //(auctions only)
As the names suggest, these are integers that hold the number of unread messages and open feedbacks the current user has.
==== system/other/lightbox_slideshow.tpl 4.1.2 ====
Added //{strip}// around the play and pause links to remove extra white-space from the output, in order to fix a problem in IE that made the buttons not spaced properly.
**Replace with:**
===== To 4.1.3 =====
Changes made in version 4.1.3.
==== system/cart/payment_choices/radio_box.tpl 4.1.3 ====
Change made to get rid of possible javascript error. In this file, **Find:**
**Replace with:**
===== To 5.0 =====
Take note of the following changes to template files made in 5.0.0. Note that the software has gone through a re-design, so every single template will have "design changes", below we will list only the changes that might affect a custom design, such as a variable name change or the like.
==== system/browsing/rss_listings.tpl 5.0 ====
File changed location, it is now located in the directory **system/ListingFeed/** with the same file name.
Also, changed 2 of the template variable names:
* **$titleLimit** changed to **$titleCharLimit**
* **$descLimit** changed to **$descriptionCharLimit**
==== system/browsing/common/listing_set.tpl 5.0 ====
To fix the links when browsing affiliate pages, the following changes were needed:
**Find:** (this will be in 2 locations within the template)
**Replace** both occurrences with:
==== system/browsing/affiliate.tpl 5.0 ====
Change to how listing results are called.
**Replace With:**
{include file="common/listing_set.tpl"}
==== system/order_items/images/legacy_form.tpl 5.0 ====
Make some changes to improve usability when the user has to use the legacy uploader because of missing Flash player: