This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

Template Change "Diff" Method Choose method to show template changes:

7.4.0 (July 08, 2014)


162 - "hide" switch for categories
450 - move category ( to under another main category)
616 - Contact seller, notify friend on listing details or in ajax overlay
1014 - SEO / GeoNav: Force terminal-level subdomain in links for each individual listing.
1082 - Re-factor categories to work like multi-level fields
1089 - Add new setting for showing category on home page
1094 - Automatically add nofollow to links in listings
1106 - Add hover effect to small thumbnails in image blocks
1115 - Show full listing title and ID in tooltip for order items - Sponsored
1117 - new Importer tool - Sponsored
1120 - Added some variables to the contact seller email - Sponsored
1125 - Remove all browsing filters when viewing "sellers other listings"
1128 - Add ability to disable "contact seller" and/or "view seller's other listings" on individual listings - Sponsored
1137 - Bulk Uploader: implemented Multi-part Uploads
1155 - Add ability to charge per word
1158 - Zipsearch: QoL fix for Swedish zipcodes
1163 - Convert auto-submit form to jquery
1170 - Adjust simple carousel to be mobile friendly
1182 - Search for category number by number
1186 - Improved admin user search - Sponsored
1190 - Ordering the pre-valued dropdowns in the while making a category question
1191 - Change number dropdowns to inputs on module settings
1208 - Way for template sets to add smary plugins
1209 - Change order system-loaded CSS is loaded
1210 - Update jQuery library to 1.11.0
1211 - Update jQuery UI 1.10.4
1212 - Convert / Remove ALL remaining Prototype usage on client side
1214 - Make the listing_id able to be retrieved easily by custom smarty plugins
1216 - Buyer selected "Adds Cost Option" groups - Sponsored
1231 - Show/Hide inputs when auction end time is enabled
1238 - Show feedback even when listing is removed from archive table
1241 - Core Addon: Setting for title length to show
1242 - Core Addon - Able to overwrite some of the featured gallery settings with tag params
1255 - Add setting to show closed classifieds without 404 - Sponsored
1259 - Add the ability to require email confirmation for JIT registrations
1260 - New admin option: require subscription to bid on auctions - Sponsored
1267 - Bulk Uploader: improve handling of large numbers of revolving inventory sessions
1268 - Bulk Uploader: revolving inventory uploads will no longer create a separate upload log for each run
1271 - Bulk Uploader: QoL improvements for Revolving Inventory
1272 - Update Smarty template engine to version 3.1.18
1276 - Move quantity field to be next to price fields
1285 - Added AJAX Pagination to browsing modules - Sponsored
1297 - Added payment gateway
1299 - User Rating system, allowing users to rate each other on a 5-star scale - Sponsored
1302 - Charity Tools improvements - Sponsored
1309 - increase storage size for My Listing Filters
1320 - format "seller phone" variables according to admin settings
1321 - update (SagePay) payment gateway to match (more) external api changes
1330 - Bulk Uploader: try to remove memory/time limits prior to starting the upload
1331 - Bulk Uploader: added result output

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1329 - Google Maps: fixed zoom controls looking weird
1228 - Listing Edit does not update "quantity remaining"
1289 - Fixed a rare case where user edit links sometimes don't appear on listings
1290 - Fixed browsing filters addon tag not detecting the current category correctly
1293 - SEO: fixed some multi-byte URLs being mangled
1294 - Do not use "global" browsing filters when viewing the front page with such filters set
1300 - Fixed a case where multiple child region-select dropdowns could be spawned by typing very fast
1305 - fixed some issues relating to entering non-integer values in browsing filters
1306 - SEO: Fixed single URLs being rewritten when addon is enabled but not in use
1311 - missing text label in My Listing Filters alert email
1313 - display of multi-level fields ignores browsing language
1314 - Fixed Region Selector not appearing when only one region exists on the terminal level
1315 - prevent the auction "quantity" field from appearing for classifieds
1317 - page jumps around on image filmstrip with images of widely different heights
1318 - Bulk Uploader: added protections to better handle cases where the Revolving Inventory could stop mid-upload
1323 - Sharing: Listing URLs not rewritten on My Account > Sharing page
1328 - restore missing CSS for search_box_1 module
1171 - Auction details text size too big
1177 - If too many languages (over 127) in system, addon text broken
1194 - Social Connect - log in with Facebook problem with IE11
1265 - Print view shows links and disrupts page layout
1273 - Embedded include files do not work right
1292 - Getting Started Checklist item for Contact Us addon mistakenly looks at the SEO addon instead
1295 - Fixed a rare case where empty modules could inherit listings from earlier in the page
1298 - unencode billing state and country names on invoice display
1308 - Fixed a fringe-case fatal error in Seller's Other Listings page
1310 - Fixed internal query object sometimes not returning expected data
1322 - Corrected a regression that could cause some phone numbers to not format properly
1326 - shadow on top link bar looks funny
1239 - Transparent background turns black on uploaded images

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file external/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css

  3. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  4. In file external/js/listing_placement.js

  5. In file external/js/main.js

  6. In file external/js/plugins/_tpl.js

  7. In file external/js/plugins/lightbox.js

  8. New file added: external/js/plugins/tabs.js
  9. In file external/js/regions.js

  10. In file external/js/system/browsing/all_tab.js

  11. In file external/js/system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_ajax.js

  12. In file main_page/extra_pages/device_demo.tpl

  13. In file main_page/front_page.tpl

  14. In file main_page/listing_auction.tpl

  15. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  16. In file module/category_dropdown.tpl

  17. In file module/shared/browsing.tpl

  18. In file module/shared/browsing_pic.tpl

  19. In file system/auctions/bidding/bid_setup.tpl

  20. New file added: system/auctions/bidding/cost_options.tpl
  21. New file added: system/browsing/contact_forms/common/json.tpl
  22. In file system/browsing/contact_forms/common/success.tpl

  23. In file system/cart/display_cart/index.tpl

  24. In file system/cart/display_cart/new_buttons_box.tpl

  25. In file system/classes/Pagination/pagination.tpl

  26. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select.tpl

  27. In file system/classes/Region/billing_country_selector.tpl

  28. New file added: system/classes/UserRating/display_rating.tpl
  29. In file system/emails/auctions/auction_complete_buy_now_seller.tpl

  30. New file added: system/emails/registration/jit_confirmation_code.tpl
  31. New file added: system/emails/user_ratings/notify_admin_low_average.tpl
  32. New file added: system/emails/user_ratings/notify_user_low_average.tpl
  33. In file system/invoices/common/invoice_body.tpl

  34. New file added: system/listing_details/buy_now_price_adjusted.tpl
  35. New file added: system/listing_details/buyer_option_selections.tpl
  36. New file added: system/listing_details/contact_seller_form.tpl
  37. In file system/listing_details/extra_question_value.tpl

  38. In file system/listing_details/extra_questions.tpl

  39. In file system/listing_details/seller.tpl

  40. New file added: system/listing_details/tell_a_friend_form.tpl
  41. In file system/listing_details/url_link_1.tpl

  42. In file system/listing_details/url_link_2.tpl

  43. In file system/listing_details/url_link_3.tpl

  44. In file system/order_items/account_balance/enter_amount.tpl

  45. In file system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_slot.tpl

  46. In file system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_videos_head.tpl

  47. New file added: system/order_items/shared/cost_options/edit.tpl
  48. New file added: system/order_items/shared/cost_options/edit_combined_quantity.tpl
  49. New file added: system/order_items/shared/cost_options/index.tpl
  50. In file system/order_items/shared/details_description_box.tpl

  51. In file system/order_items/shared/jit_login_form.tpl

  52. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  53. In file system/payment_gateways/seller_buyer/paypal/user_details.tpl

  54. In file system/payment_gateways/shared/post_form.tpl

  55. In file system/preview_window.tpl

  56. In file system/search_class/utils/zipsearch_by_location.tpl

  57. In file system/tinymce.tpl

  58. In file system/user_management/current_ads/list.tpl

  59. In file system/user_management/expired_ads/list.tpl

7.4.1 (July 24, 2014)


1316 - new payment gateway: (iDEAL payments) - Sponsored
1348 - Updated to Smarty v3.1.19

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1344 - Buy Now price display truncates too many trailing zeroes
1334 - Corrected some typos in the default CSS
1335 - Bulk Uploader: fixed deleting a previous upload not actually removing associated listings
1336 - Bulk Uploader: certain fields ignore any "default" values
1338 - User Ratings selection stars don't work if delaying javascript to end of page.
1340 - image description display configuration ignored in gallery image display of listing display page
1341 - Invited bidders do not see "make bid" button
1342 - Make bid button displaying to banned bidders
1343 - Geographic Navigation: Restored absolutized "floating" functionality to change_region_link's js nav box
1346 - RWD resizing broken for main listing images
1347 - Sharing: "method" buttons missing from My Account > Sharing page
1349 - Added cost fields not displayed in "bid verify" page after bidding
1350 - upgrade doesn't copy category images from top-level categories to new db structure
1351 - login/registration spinner graphic sometimes missing
1352 - Charity Tools: some Charitable Badge options were not correctly shown as purchasable choices
1353 - fixed a couple places where date formats didn't follow the admin settings
1354 - category count not updated when user deletes his own listing from My Active Listings
1355 - Admin listing creation/edit mangles double-quotes in listing titles
1356 - fatal error when Copying categories
1345 - Admin Restart Listing form shows incorrect timestamp

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file external/css/system/order_items/shared/leveled_fields.css

  3. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  4. In file main_page/extra_pages/how_it_works.tpl

  5. In file system/classes/UserRating/display_rating.tpl

  6. In file system/emails/negative_balance_reminder.tpl

  7. In file system/invoices/common/invoice_body.tpl

  8. In file system/listing_details/image_block/gallery.tpl

7.4.2 (August 06, 2014)


1027 - Bulk Uploader: needs multi-language support
1365 - Allow combining JS/CSS without minimizing them

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1368 - category-specific listing type restrictions are ignored
1357 - Fixed a few issues relating to the handling of pre-7.4 listing category values
1358 - Codemirror syntax highlighting sometimes fails to load with admin design editor
1359 - category breadcrumbs display backwards in listing placement
1360 - missing category images on listing placement category selection step
1364 - Charity Tools causes fatal error in admin Listing Placement Steps page
1367 - js/css minimizer can't handle server-side redirects
1370 - Fixed some bugs in the implementation of the gateway

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file system/order_items/shared/category_choose/links.tpl

7.4.3 (September 11, 2014)


1392 - GeoNav: add reset button to main navigation

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1408 - deleting an item from the cart no longer sometimes shows "order complete" page
1374 - don't show "quantity" field when editing a classified
1375 - reset viewed/responded/forwarded counts on listing copy (including auction renewals)
1378 - Corrected a Fatal Error that could occur when setting up recurring payments with Paypal Pro
1379 - Sharing: fixed broken Craigslist popup
1382 - Allow including "smarty" files in a downloaded template set
1383 - fixed category tree modules highlighting the wrong category
1384 - search form's category selection dropdown no longer shows disabled categories
1385 - The "hide contact seller" and "hide other listings" switches on a listing may now correctly be changed during a Listing Edit
1387 - admin-deleting a listing from the front end now returns you to the correct page and updates category counts
1388 - Added some missing {add_footer_html} tags to "cost options" js templates
1390 - further improvements to payment gateway integration
1391 - Deleting a category now moves any listings it may have into its parent category, instead of deleting them outright.
1396 - Bulk Uploader: fixed saving "cost options" incorrectly when prices were not set.
1397 - "end time" selection now defaults to "tomorrow" instead of "now"
1400 - Fixed a bug that could cause admin edit/delete listing buttons to be shown to non-admin users
1405 - Fixed storefront add/remove wysiwyg links refreshing their host pages
1406 - improve handling of category re-counts
1407 - Exporter: fixed export data being empty when selecting multiple categories
1409 - adjust jQueryUI theme to better fit the default software design
1410 - fixed several issues relating to showing the Contact Seller/Friend forms in a lightbox
1401 - Storefront: "extra" contact fields were broken

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file external/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css

  3. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  4. In file external/js/plugins/lightbox.js

  5. In file external/js/system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_ajax.js

  6. In file system/auctions/bidding/cost_options.tpl

  7. In file system/listing_details/buyer_option_selections.tpl

  8. In file system/listing_details/contact_seller_form.tpl

  9. In file system/listing_details/tell_a_friend_form.tpl

7.4.4 (November 06, 2014)


1436 - updated PLUpload to version 2.1.2
1452 - add js hook to allow manipulating google maps from templates

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1188 - Show "transaction approved" page after completing a PayPal transaction
1411 - Enabled notify friend/seller pages to return status 404 if given an invalid listing
1412 - Fixed a bug that could cause problems when changing Extra Page body attachments in the admin
1415 - GeoNav: Fixed Change Region selector box returning to blank page when triggered from inside some addon pages
1416 - Misc cleanup on Contact Seller/Friend forms
1421 - Fixed an issue that caused thumbnail sizes in the Featured Gallery to follow the wrong setting for height
1428 - Fixed category_dropdown module ignoring its settings
1430 - listing placement description field character count doesn't update after changing categories
1432 - Storefront: List Stores page no longer incorrectly shows a store's title as its own
1433 - State Filter Module no longer ignores "region disabled" switch
1435 - removed a couple lingering references to the old geoUtil js object
1437 - fix Paypal Pro to use the correct transaction IDs
1438 - Fixed Make Bid button redirecting to "extend subscription" when it shouldn't
1439 - Fixed a bug that could cause categories to appear for the wrong listing types during listing placement
1441 - broken pieces of the "tell a friend" and "add to favorites" links will no longer appear when previewing a listing
1446 - Storefront: corrected an issue where users could purchase multiple recurring subscriptions simultaneously
1449 - cleared out some vestigial calls to deprecated js
1453 - Admin Design Manager now allows copy/download of the "smarty" folder from template sets. For real this time.
1420 - Remove empty region Levels from the database when deleting the final region in a level
1442 - user's Paypal Email entry field (seller/buyer gateway) no longer looks funny when empty
1445 - Fixed an admin error message from appearing when it shouldn't

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  2. In file external/js/listing_placement.js

  3. In file external/js/main.js

  4. In file main_page/listing_auction.tpl

  5. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  6. In file system/browsing/contact_forms/common/success.tpl

  7. In file system/emails/auctions/reverse/reverse_auction_bid_data.tpl

  8. In file system/listing_details/contact_seller_form.tpl

  9. In file system/listing_details/tell_a_friend_form.tpl

  10. In file system/other/calendar_js.tpl

  11. In file system/payment_gateways/seller_buyer/paypal/user_details.tpl

7.4.5 (January 26, 2015)


1455 - Add ability to not display category specific header elements in listing details and printer friendly pages
1456 - Allow redirecting all "Contact Seller" emails to a single inbox
1459 - Expose Storefront owners' userdata to storefront templates
1465 - added new addon hook: overload_geoFile_correctMSDocMagicMime
1466 - Security Image: update ReCAPTCHA to latest version
1467 - expose mobile detection to templates
1480 - Contact Seller form now retains entered contact info on failed submit
1487 - enabled "Clear Selection" link for multi-level fields

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1476 - restored missing video sort functionality during listing placement
1458 - created a new setting to fix a "bug" that would prevent accurate zipsearching in certain countries
1461 - Storefront: improve behavior at the end of a recurring-billed subscription
1462 - fixed the way Revenue Reports handle Account Balance transactions
1463 - Paypal Pro recurring billing now treats "suspended" profiles as cancelled.
1468 - fixed trailing zeroes being truncated from display of "cost options"
1473 - Storefront: removed a broken link that shouldn't have been appearing anyway
1477 - Fixed a case where it was possible to set auction end times further out than intended
1478 - Fixed error checking logic surrounding auction "end time" versus "duration" choices
1479 - Fixed Invoice print-friendly view referencing old/incorrect CSS files
1481 - Cleaned up a couple of fringe display oddities with region selectors
1482 - Cleaned up some cases where removing a listing would not remove all relevant data
1484 - Social Connect: upgraded database to support new, longer Facebook IDs
1486 - Bridge (geo_all): fixed a regression breaking the ability to sync between Geo installs
1489 - Charity Tools: fixed a typo that could prevent purchased charity icons from appearing
1460 - Fixed RSS Feed always displaying "no listings" (even when showing listings)
1469 - restored missing icon to non-image uploads in media preview section
1470 - fixed login_trackback cookie not being cleared once consumed
1454 - improved styling of admin "sent message" page to make it easier to read

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file external/js/system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_ajax.js

  3. In file system/ListingFeed/rss_listings.tpl

  4. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select.tpl

  5. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select_main.tpl

  6. In file system/invoices/common/head.tpl

  7. In file system/invoices/invoice_standalone.tpl

  8. In file system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_videos.tpl

  9. In file system/order_items/shared/leveled_fields/level.tpl

  10. In file system/order_items/shared/questions.tpl

7.4.6 (January 27, 2015)


- No enhancements for this release.

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1491 - Fixed fatal error in listing placement
1490 - Fixed fatal error in Tokens Purchase order item

[Template Changes]

- No Template changes in this release

Other Changelogs