This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

Template Change "Diff" Method Choose method to show template changes:

7.2.0 (April 24, 2013)


135 - Allow "buy now only" auctions to decrease quantity when someone purchases item - Sponsored
156 - Combine listing placement steps, shorten to make process as few pages as possible - Sponsored
434 - Add rel next and prev for making search engines know about pagination
635 - Add e-mail notice when favorite listing is about to close - Sponsored
636 - default advanced search to show selected region - Sponsored
756 - Convert user listing filters to a cron - Sponsored
771 - Storefront: Add a level of subcategories to storefront categories - Sponsored
782 - New Addon: Charity Tools - Sponsored
786 - Make geographic navigation links use scrollbar
809 - Make advanced search include "id" by default if search text is a number
810 - Allow cat_id to be set for module tags, to allow more customization options
812 - Search by geo location doesn't pre-set from submitted value
813 - Change location button made to change search by parameters
814 - SEO: create a way to rewrite URLs outside of links
815 - Show archived ads and auctions in view user page
821 - Allow setting max listings to display, to be larger than 99
826 - Geographic Navigation: improve handling of multiple "top" levels having only single regions
828 - Update 3rd party library jQuery-UI
830 - Sharing: use rewritten URLs where available
833 - Google Maps Addon: Able to set width / height of map to percent
834 - Bulk Uploader: Add support for Additional Regions and Multi-Level Fields
837 - Allow buy now only auctions to stay open, but show "sold" sign and not allow further purchase

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


793 - Additional region - purchasing additional regions as part of listing edit, does not update
820 - Recurring billing process payments error
661 - Admin Create Order's User Search displays wrong in IE
794 - Geographic Navigation: improved robot detection for geo-ip finder
796 - Re-apply character limit to browsing pic module titles and optional fields
797 - Browsing Filters don't show category-specific values containing characters encoded by htmlentities
801 - Storefront: incorrect date display in user info
808 - Tooltip help ? don't work on paypal settings in admin
811 - Bulk Uploader: "skip first row" doesn't work
817 - Using WYSIWYG tab affects contents even if switch to code tab
819 - If master switch turned off, orders with that item type display incorrectly
822 - My Account Info page doesn't show Region data
827 - Multiple selection of pre-valued dropdowns in search sometimes innacurate
829 - Sharing / GeoNav: "set location by IP" feature interferes with social scraper bots
792 - Additional Region duplicate checks are not thorough enough
799 - Error during Paypal recurring process causes inacurate revenue reports
803 - Additional fees in e-mail notice not formatted correctly
806 - Do not deselect active template sets when click on "edit templates"
807 - Saving a template a "second time" sometimes results in blank page
825 - Lightbox links do not always work
832 - Multi-level fields don't show on search page if other fields are disabled

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/theme_styles.css

  2. In file external/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css

  3. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  4. In file external/js/listing_placement.js

  5. In file external/js/main.js

  6. In file external/js/plugins/lightbox.js

  7. In file external/js/plugins/utility.js

  8. In file external/js/system/order_items/images/handlers.js

  9. In file external/js/system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_ajax.js

  10. In file main_page/browsing_sub/featured_gallery.tpl

  11. In file main_page/browsing_sub/gallery.tpl

  12. In file main_page/browsing_sub/grid.tpl

  13. In file main_page/browsing_sub/list.tpl

  14. In file main_page/browsing_sub/show_all_fields/gallery.tpl

  15. In file main_page/browsing_sub/show_all_fields/list.tpl

  16. In file main_page/extra_pages/help.tpl

  17. In file main_page/listing_auction.tpl

  18. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  19. In file system/auctions/bidding/bid_setup.tpl

  20. In file system/auctions/bidding/bid_successful.tpl

  21. In file system/browsing/common/gallery_view.tpl

  22. In file system/browsing/common/grid_view.tpl

  23. In file system/browsing/common/list_view.tpl

  24. In file system/cart/cart_steps.tpl

  25. New file added: system/cart/combined/index.tpl
  26. New file added: system/cart/combined/step_section.tpl
  27. New file added: system/cart/inline_preview_box.tpl
  28. In file system/cart/other_details/index.tpl

  29. In file system/emails/auctions/auction_complete_buy_now_buyer.tpl

  30. In file system/emails/auctions/auction_complete_buy_now_seller.tpl

  31. In file system/emails/auctions/auction_complete_buyer.tpl

  32. In file system/emails/auctions/auction_complete_seller.tpl

  33. In file system/emails/auctions/dutch/auction_complete_dutch_winners.tpl

  34. In file system/emails/filter_matched.tpl

  35. In file system/emails/listing/listings_expire_soon.tpl

  36. In file system/listing_details/on_site_purchase_link.tpl

  37. New file added: system/listing_details/price_for_how_many.tpl
  38. In file system/order_items/additional_regions/details_collection.tpl

  39. File Removed: system/order_items/auction/category_choose.tpl
  40. New file added: system/order_items/auction/category_choose/dropdowns.tpl
  41. New file added: system/order_items/auction/category_choose/links.tpl
  42. File Removed: system/order_items/classified/category_choose.tpl
  43. New file added: system/order_items/classified/category_choose/dropdowns.tpl
  44. New file added: system/order_items/classified/category_choose/links.tpl
  45. In file system/order_items/images/upload_images.tpl

  46. In file system/order_items/images/upload_images_head.tpl

  47. File Removed: system/order_items/listing_edit/category_choose.tpl
  48. New file added: system/order_items/listing_edit/category_choose/dropdowns.tpl
  49. New file added: system/order_items/listing_edit/category_choose/links.tpl
  50. In file system/order_items/listing_renew_upgrade/other_details.item_box.tpl

  51. In file system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_videos.tpl

  52. In file system/order_items/shared/anonymous_data.tpl

  53. File Removed: system/order_items/shared/category_choose.tpl
  54. New file added: system/order_items/shared/category_choose/dropdowns.tpl
  55. New file added: system/order_items/shared/category_choose/links.tpl
  56. In file system/order_items/shared/choose_price_plan.tpl

  57. In file system/order_items/shared/details_description_box.tpl

  58. In file system/order_items/shared/display_splash.tpl

  59. In file system/order_items/shared/leveled_fields/level.tpl

  60. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  61. In file system/order_items/shared/media.tpl

  62. In file system/search_class/details_form.tpl

  63. In file system/user_management/ad_filters/display_all_filters.tpl

  64. New file added: system/user_management/current_ads/bids_list.tpl
  65. In file system/user_management/current_ads/list.tpl

  66. In file system/user_management/expired_ads/expired_ad_details.tpl

7.2.1 (April 26, 2013)


839 - Add extra_questions and checkboxes to array=format in the {listing} tag

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


842 - The new inline preview does not always submit
838 - The new "keep auction live" feature's setting does not save
840 - add http prefix to url on admin user data display, if user left it off
843 - Combined category selection and multi-level field selection pagination problems

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file system/cart/combined/index.tpl

  2. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  3. In file system/order_items/shared/media.tpl

7.2.2 (May 08, 2013)


848 - Make the "force preview" function an option the admin can set for listing process
867 - Use hook for notify_sold_sign_status_changed when buy-now auction is showing sold sign

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


849 - Not able to disable a payment gateway in the admin panel
845 - Combined listing placement: category selection pagination doesn't preserve listing type
851 - "Extend auction" functionality should not apply to buy now
854 - Price range search not accurate for buy now only auctions
858 - Remote API: fixed session.init and session.get being broken by addons with app_top.php files
859 - Bulk Uploader: fixed regression in Region setter
860 - fix ListingFeed's toString method to play nicer with Smarty 3
863 - Lightbox slideshow links to wrong file for non-images
865 - Core Addon: Featured gallery does not use cat-specific settings
868 - Make a Bid button appears when it shouldn't
869 - admin can't edit anonymous listings
870 - The JIT cart is lost when using login with Facebook option in Social Connect addon
844 - When changing categories during combined listing process, double-click on category causes problems
846 - Combined listing placement: category selection reset when page changed
847 - For "only buy now only" priceplans, it does not allow "price applies to" to be changed
850 - Broken link in admin listing details
852 - E-mail notice to admin for expiring listings has wrong title
856 - Update the category contents part of combined listing placement when category has errors
857 - Error message remains when remove / add an additional region
861 - Make it more clear that the file type icon is required in some cases
864 - Changing SSL setting not reflect setting change
866 - The headOnly parameter in the {addon} smarty tag doesn't work

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  2. In file external/js/listing_placement.js

  3. In file external/js/plugins/lightbox.js

  4. In file system/browsing/sellers_other_ads.tpl

  5. In file system/cart/combined/index.tpl

  6. In file system/cart/other_details/index.tpl

  7. In file system/order_items/additional_regions/details_collection.tpl

  8. In file system/order_items/shared/leveled_fields/level.tpl

  9. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  10. In file system/order_items/shared/media.tpl

7.2.3 (May 23, 2013)


882 - Exporter: add Duration as an exportable field

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


892 - When using "skip cart", the end date of the listing is set incorrectly in some cases
894 - Images do not show when editing listing
874 - max user listings calculated incorrectly when skipping cart
875 - Charity Tools: Corrected an issue that could make Charitable Badge selections not appear
880 - Exporter: Save/Load Settings buttons don't work
881 - Listing Feeds (RSS, Exporter, etc) always show State and Country (even when they're not asked for)
883 - Sharing: My Account "Sharing" page shows wrong templates when the user has no listings
885 - Security Image Addon: reCaptcha security image does not work for "report abuse" (using contact us addon)
886 - Pending listings do not show in "my active listings" in some cases
887 - In JIT listing process, if the e-mail is taken, the "go back" link does not work
888 - Listing preview sometimes shows "listing not found" or blank if in different region
890 - Storefront: city data missing from List Stores page
891 - In admin listing details page, shows wrong end time in some cases
896 - Non-image media uploads missing title in "Classic" view
897 - Hide multi-level fields from the edit process if they cannot be edited and have no preselection
877 - editing language settings un-sets default language
889 - Home page search box overlaps on older webkit browsers
895 - Terminal category error shows during combined listing process when it shouldn't

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/theme_styles.css

  2. In file main_page/alternate_front_pages/showcase.tpl

  3. In file main_page/front_page.tpl

  4. In file system/listing_details/image_block/classic.tpl

7.2.4 (May 30, 2013)


- No enhancements for this release.

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


904 - Account Balance "send negative balance notifications now" button does nothing
907 - Auction does not have bid link in certain scenarios
898 - Advanced search does not include search for optional field
903 - Terminal category error shows when using inline preview when it should not
905 - Zip Addon: No label for distance to listing number shows on search results list / gallery views
906 - "Need verified account" message appears for generic bidding errors

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file system/user_management/expired_ads/list.tpl

7.2.5 (June 28, 2013)


- No enhancements for this release.

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


936 - The cart checks are skipped when skipping cart so subscription is not enforced
672 - Messages not correctly accessed for auction bid data in bid emails
908 - When listing placement NOT combined, cannot select sub-categories
910 - Make bid link does not show for renewed auctions in certain cases
911 - Storefront: prevent "contact us" form truncation
914 - Storefront: listing display page doesn't use category-specific Fields to Use settings
917 - Storefront: Add Subscription Choices admin form doesn't submit in IE
923 - Charity Tools: resolve conflicts with Attention Getters addon
927 - Security Image: ReCAPTCHA steals keyboard focus when changing categories
934 - Combined listing process does not work in admin
937 - Fix fields in My Favorites page displaying when they shouldn't
909 - clean up display logic for "fake / always-show" dropdowns on Region selector
915 - No error message shown when classified "voting" form is missing info
919 - Currency Format option is inconsistent between admin and actual behavior for "Japanese" option
920 - The RSS feed shows the "empty item" even when RSS feed is not empty
921 - RSS feed title's getting "double encoded" (& showing as &)
932 - Multi-level field "duplicate field" checks at top level not accurate
935 - Geographic Navigation: Subdomain works for disabled regions
922 - On listing expires soon e-mails, rare times the notice gets sent outside of the window

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file system/ListingFeed/rss_listings.tpl

  2. In file system/cart/combined/step_section.tpl

  3. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select_main.tpl

  4. In file system/user_management/favorites/display_all.tpl

Other Changelogs