This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

Template Change "Diff" Method Choose method to show template changes:

7.0.0 (July 23, 2012)


480 - Change software product structure for GeoCore
106 - Combine countries, state/provinces, and geo nav sub-regions, and make them per language - Sponsored
180 - Combine mapping fields into single field
229 - Add option to "require" user to be verified user before allowing to place listings. - Sponsored
455 - Create master switches to easily turn on/off various groups of features.
458 - improvements to Select Language form
468 - further improvements to category nav sorting
481 - Add e-mail header to all e-mails sent by the system - Sponsored

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


456 - fix category sorting for alpha-across-columns
459 - Having more than 11 active template sets causes template set order issues
471 - don't use security image during admin cart
479 - Search results do not use setting for default browse order
462 - category-specific fields to use display order selection missing "images first" option
473 - Paginate category specific pricing info displayed in my account information

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/system/order_items/offsite_videos/upload_videos.css

  2. In file external/css/theme_styles.css

  3. In file external/js/main.js

  4. In file main_page/front_page.tpl

  5. In file main_page/header.tpl

  6. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  7. In file module/module_state_filter_1.tpl

  8. In file module/shared/browsing_pic.tpl

  9. In file system/browsing/common/listing_set.tpl

  10. In file system/cart/payment_choices/index.tpl

  11. New file added: system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select.tpl
  12. New file added: system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select_main.tpl
  13. New file added: system/classes/Region/billing_country_selector.tpl
  14. New file added: system/classes/Region/billing_state_selector.tpl
  15. New file added: system/classes/Region/listing_region_breadcrumb.tpl
  16. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  17. New file added: system/other/choose_language_form.tpl
  18. In file system/search_class/details_form.tpl

  19. In file system/user_management/expired_ads/expired_ad_details.tpl

  20. In file system/user_management/information/edit_user_form.tpl

  21. In file system/user_management/information/price_plan_info.tpl

7.0.1 (August 28, 2012)


500 - extraneous Region select box appears in search module
504 - improve Fields to Use for Region fields
505 - Switch "mapping link" to use Google Maps instead of Mapquest
510 - Storefront: move "Display Storefront Link" setting to Fields to Use

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


482 - Error when creating new categories
503 - Tax percentage is not used during checkout
487 - State Filter Module doesn't work
488 - Fatal Error in GeoNav's change_region_link popup
489 - allow location breadcrumb to display while individual levels are off
490 - hardcoded text in user_management_current_ads.php
492 - city field's "require" setting activating when it should be overridden by Region settings
493 - Storefront: fixed a rare 404 link
494 - just-in-time registration does not assign initial account balance to new users
496 - Fixed bugs with geographic "always show" level option
497 - don't error on required Region fields when they're not editable
499 - advanced search page shows all region search options when they're all turned off
501 - listing edit mangles location
502 - listing display missing state data
506 - Browsing modules do not show all classified/auction specific fields
507 - Regions data lost when using registration confirmation
508 - subscriptions created with a free subscription period on registration never expire
509 - missing string decode in region selector
511 - fixed a few instances of GeoNav showing disabled regions

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file main_page/header.tpl

  2. In file module/shared/browsing_pic.tpl

  3. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select.tpl

  4. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select_main.tpl

  5. In file system/registration/registration_form.tpl

7.0.2 (September 26, 2012)


516 - Make it skip entries that are just 1 character long in the geographic region mass add tool
518 - Speed optimizations for new Geographic Regions system
531 - make seller info available to dutch auction emails
533 - add a label for the Region Selector inputs
539 - Facilitate allowing any module setting to be over-ridden using module tag parameters in templates
556 - Improve display of Region levels containing only a single region
523 - Use thead and tbody for listing set (browsing listings), to make unique styling easier

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


534 - missing database field for new installs
525 - populate "seller" template vars from new Regions system
529 - cannot clear Paypal ID email field
530 - sorting search results loses Region search terms
538 - city region override doesn't correctly ignore old "required" switch during registration
546 - Storefront: fix List Stores page to work with GeoCore Regions
550 - Geographic navigation "change location" link does not work if there is "action" parameter in URL
551 - in category navigation modules, "back to parent category" links don't go to the parent category
553 - let geoUser objects know about new Regions
555 - Require verified account does not always work, if something costs money in the cart
557 - Storefront: state and country do not appear on storefront browsing
558 - Location data missing when editing old listings
513 - Filter by language does not apply to searches
517 - Timeout issue causes same expiration e-mails to send over and over
526 - update admin list of tags available on listing details page to reflect changes to mapping links
536 - Pagination on categories not SEO re-written on categories with cat-specific fields
545 - Fix navigation_top tag in geographic navigation addon
559 - JS error on user groups edit default price plan attachments page

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/theme_styles.css

  2. In file module/shared/category_navigation.tpl

  3. In file system/browsing/common/listing_set.tpl

  4. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select.tpl

  5. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select_main.tpl

  6. In file system/payment_gateways/seller_buyer/paypal/user_details.tpl

7.0.3 (November 13, 2012)


567 - expand Revenue Reports to also display total number of listings affecting the report
568 - Add software hook filter_email to filter e-mail contents
578 - Improved support for bulk uploading remote images
587 - Anonymous Listings: add ability to force sellers to agree to the site's User Agreement - Sponsored
588 - Allow setting different default user groups for individual vs. business users - Sponsored
595 - New Hook to allow adjusting the SQL query to get category list during listing placement

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


563 - restore broken category navigation modules
565 - when a Listing or User is removed from the database, remove corresponding Region data
569 - auction "final price" not logged when auction closes
570 - printable invoice needs meta charset tag
571 - Should not use Asterisk (*) or exclamation (!) in URL titles used by SEO addon
572 - security image doesn't play nice with Just-in-Time Registration
574 - JIT Complete email does not send in HTML
580 - Storefront: Stack Overflow error in IE
581 - category question "explanation" popups don't detect default language correctly
583 - ListingFeed doesn't handle state/country fields correctly
593 - Classified Price field "required" does not give error on non-numeric values
596 - missing "required" styling for Regions on registration page
597 - cannot renew listings when using always_use_user_price_plan_when_renewing BETA setting in with category-specific pricing
598 - My Account Home page doesn't report stats for Reverse Auctions
603 - fixed some cases where editing a listing could change values that were not editable
612 - Storefront: control panel save/cancel buttons can be hidden when wysiwyg is too big
617 - Fixed European-format numbers behaving oddly when editing or copying listings
626 - Message does not always include reply link when communication is private
560 - category creation admin page ignores its "listing type" switch
575 - The <base> tag incorrectly added after the HTML5 tag <header> automatically
576 - Password is set incorrectly in admin in certain circumstances
584 - Admin allowed to view admin home even if permission set to not show
592 - Make master switches admin more dynamic
594 - Category titles do not remove HTML tags in re-written URL and title module
619 - Allow a seller to view his own listings when a subscription is required to view listings but he is not subscribed
625 - Zip field not included in search without zip search addon
627 - Message reply link is not linked in e-mail messages
564 - swap Country and Zipcode order in Mapping Locations

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file main_page/front_page_old.tpl

  2. In file main_page/header.tpl

  3. In file module/module_title.tpl

  4. In file system/classes/Region/ajax_region_select_main.tpl

  5. In file system/emails/communication/notify_seller.tpl

  6. In file system/emails/communication/user_message.tpl

  7. In file system/invoices/common/head.tpl

  8. In file system/order_items/shared/anonymous_data.tpl

  9. In file system/order_items/shared/jit_login_form.tpl

  10. In file system/search_class/details_form.tpl

7.0.4 (February 4, 2013)


653 - Sharing: add Open Graph description tag
663 - New core event: end of My Active Listings page
675 - new core event: notify_sold_sign_status_changed
680 - personalized iphone app: category filter

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


718 - Paypal non-US payments do not report correct amount in transactions
643 - W3C validation error in geographic navigation template
647 - Missing db text on "view message" page
649 - Shows create anonymous listing option when JIT is enabled in admin
650 - Create order in admin does not work on choose price plan step
654 - Edit price always says don't have permission
656 - iPhone app: location shows one level higher than it should
658 - Subscriptions: expiration notice not re-sent for extended subscriptions
660 - Bulk Uploader: "use default user data" doesn't copy user's Regions correctly
662 - Social Connect: SSL Error
664 - Sharing: update Pinterest button
667 - Ad filter (saved search) does not account for some utf-8 characters
669 - wrong renewal price when charging by "price" field
674 - seller location missing from Seller's Other Listings page when exposed
683 - Exporter addon does not export on some configurations
686 - overzealous "required" fields
637 - Date format in storefront admin set within template itself
640 - Bulk Uploader: use correct image size setting
642 - Remove extra space on advanced search when no cat specific fields showing
670 - Using memcache example for adding servers does not work

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file system/user_management/communications/view_communication.tpl

Other Changelogs