This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

6.0.0 (November 28, 2011)


25 - Update the Smarty template engine to Smarty 3.1.5
82 - In ClassAuctions, add classifieds and auctions tabs on category browsing
91 - Add "verified account" where user pays $1 to verify their account.
125 - Make order item info for listing link to the listing, if the listing is created already and is live
31 - Add a Meta Tag Text Area to Categories Menu
32 - Move Reverse Auctions code into the main code set. - Auctions
34 - Add new changelog to upgrades, that uses references to bugzilla bugs.
36 - add security image to forgot password
40 - Add More Details to Display in Featured Pic Module for Auctions
41 - Send email to admin when listing placed and needing admin approval
42 - Use *'s next to required fields, on edit account info page on client side.
44 - Unify the invoice view and make print friendly layout work well
45 - Distinguish browsing columns currently being sorted by
56 - Report list of items being paid for to payment gateway, to allow 2CO to not pay for positive account balance
70 - Add new date field type for optional site-wide fields and category questions
88 - Change how admin menu items are loaded in the admin panel, to make it easier to move menu sections around
103 - Cache not usable when loaded template sets change for different users
7 - Add "cost" field total to cost in expired auctions - Auctions
11 - Ability to search for multiple site-wide optional field dropdown values
12 - Ability to search for multiple category question values
13 - New category question field type: Numeric field
14 - Improvements to 2checkout payment gateway to use the 2Checkout Instant Notification System (INS)
15 - Create unified way to automatically add the base tag if needed
16 - Listing location and mapping field length in DB needs to be longer for UTF-8 locations
18 - Problems with registration e-mail content sent using re-send tool in admin
20 - Ability to show Auction pricing in listing RSS feed
21 - Use Google Libraries API for faster loading of JS libraries
22 - Changes to listing feeds that might affect using specific advanced feed settings
23 - Add hello to order successful notification e-mail
27 - Removed any hard-coded uses of the geo_templates folder
28 - Ability to create orders from admin panel
43 - Add security image to the place a listing process
46 - Update 3rd party libraries Prototype and Scriptaculous
53 - Give option to show/hide category title within the listing's title on listing details page
55 - smarty templates for category-specific question/answer display
69 - Add text specifically for when editing images or videos
74 - Change initial account balance to use input instead of drop-down selection
75 - Add new geographic navigation "change location" mega-dropdown
81 - My Account / Cart Enhancement - Add tokens/acct balance
89 - Add syntax highlighting in design manager file editor for code edit tab
97 - Make it display peak memory usage.
100 - show edit button on anonymous listing details
102 - add ability to transform text into QR codes
108 - Allow admin password to apply changes to account info
112 - Ability to change currency used in Paypal seller to buyer gateway
113 - make clicking on lightbox links not work until page is loaded
114 - new calls to addon hooks for alternate browsing types
116 - Create a social connect addon starting out with Facebook Connect integration - Sponsored
118 - Add more options for when registration is successful in the user.register remote API call
120 - In "listing setup > fields to use" change UI to allow for having many "display in locations"
121 - Change how "display locations" are saved in the database
122 - For all modules that display listings, add "display in location" settings for which fields to use
123 - Make e-mail settings in fields to use make more sense
126 - Get rid of old "admin_a_switch.php", should have all admin pages converted by now
128 - Ability to easily save extra persistent session data, by making session class use a registry
130 - Add the ability to report revenue by user group
131 - Add new addons to client area when 6.0 is ready to ship.
132 - Need better file type detection for certain MS Office files
137 - templatize emails
143 - add thumbnails to My Active Listings
146 - Add edit link to anonymous-listing-placed email
155 - Need way to set width for columns in category browsing feature
158 - integrate geographic navigation with RSS feed
170 - Ability to Replace $0.00 with language text label - Sponsored
171 - Disable proxy bidding on auctions site-wide - Sponsored
181 - Allow security image to not show for messaging if user is logged in
182 - Make Restore Default Pages button always appear in storefront control panel
183 - Move auction bidding "beta settings" to normal settings
192 - Create date picker for calendar input boxes on client side.
195 - Add ability to have different API transport methods
198 - Integrate Storefront List with Geographic Navigation filters - Sponsored
199 - Save language for each listing and filter listings based on user's language - Sponsored
200 - Create new CashU payment gateway - Sponsored
201 - More seller data available to display listing page
203 - Add noindex/nofollow meta tag on "sorting" pages to avoid duplicate content in SE
211 - can't uninstall security image addon
6 - Show category display order value next to category id in category admin tool
33 - Assign entire template set to a language
147 - Settings near end of fields to use not saved on some servers
30 - Create addon for tokens, and add ability to purchase user tokens

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


107 - Changes to license behavior specifically for new leased licenses
119 - auction price checks broken
52 - Anonymous Listings incorrectly edit-locked
37 - Remove email address column for Privacy Concerns
17 - Improved error handling in admin panel "admin tools & settings > Admin Messaging" section
24 - Using WYSIWYG editor when editing templates, and TinyMCE GZip turned off
48 - HTML comments in descriptions not filtered
57 - Max word length not multi-byte character safe, and setting does not go above 127.
76 - Fatal error when approving registration in admin panel
77 - Not able to turn off attention getters for a listing in the admin panel
90 - Problem when not using UTF-8 on any AJAX that returns JSON format
99 - Order successful page shows pricing even when "charge for listings" is turned off
101 - don't show "order by" links on Featured Listings during category browsing
104 - Category Browsing Options module dropdown redirect breaks in IE with SEO on
110 - missing text in some featured pic modules
117 - "expose email" radio buttons in listing placement don't appear if email field set to not have display locations
129 - Reserve Met image does not appear on My Favorites page
136 - unescaped ampersands in a listing title break the RSS feed
138 - Image upload does not keep record of file location for non-images
141 - Notice about using {php} in templates
142 - category-specific settings not always used when they should be
157 - Numerical fields sort alphabetically when browsing
173 - Category tree module contents cached when filters are active
186 - Add formatting to "use as cost" fields in featured modules
194 - "number of bids" does not appear in search results
207 - When create new language, addon text for that language is not set automatically
208 - Renew/Upgrade links on active listings page have title hard-coded in template
47 - Tooltips in admin mess up for IE 9
19 - 'Member Since' date format usage
26 - Order Complete e-mail notice - removed ghost items from displaying
62 - In fields to use, "other box" gets stuck when switching field types
98 - Fields to Use shows settings not used in admin panel
115 - Image preview during image upload is not centered.
124 - Preserve language ID when changing sub-domains
134 - Addon text corrupted using certain database configurations
139 - Make group splash page during registration use template.
148 - Make the category tree prefix used for category tree modules as well
168 - The subdomain is captured in the cache for category dropdown
184 - unify field lengths for pre/post currency
35 - Remove Pages that are no longer used in the system
58 - Remove un-used setting "Roll Final Fee into Future Auction Placement" from admin

6.0.1 (November 30, 2011)


- No enhancements for this release.

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


216 - First page of browsing categories shows all listings
220 - Error in admin on "orders > manage recurring billing"
214 - admin tooltips break in IE7
217 - Fatal Error when completing a just-in-time registration
218 - Need to update codemirror library to fix problems with IE7/8
219 - fatal errors when exporting pre-5.0 templates
221 - Confusing setting for number of featured pics to display

6.0.2 (December 16, 2011)


235 - Catch smarty compile errors and display meaningful error messages.
247 - Make built-in tabs functionality "remember" last tab that was clicked.

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


227 - Incorrect link on title for pic modules
243 - Issue converting charset on arrays, non-string values returned as null. (causes image uploader problems)
245 - The "account finance" section is not showing for my account links module
260 - RSS feed generates Smarty template error if SEO addon is disabled
267 - Search results pagination not work
222 - Does not pre-process addon tags for tags found in listing details sub-templates.
223 - Shows "listing type" column on browsing modules when shouldn't
226 - Featured Pic modules do not show header text
236 - PHP Crash on descriptions with really long HTML comments
237 - Featured pic modules don't account for listings that have image > 0 but no actual images
238 - Featured pic module does not show the "no listings found" message
241 - On tokens addon, when purchasing tokens, the token choices are erratic
242 - pagination missing from storefront listings list
244 - Geographic navigation location selection on search box not dynamic
248 - storefront: table sort links go to the wrong page
249 - storefront: fatal error when purchasing trial subscription
250 - If using photo icon instead of thumbnail, should not display "no image" icon if no images
251 - smarty {debug} doesn't work from "internal" templates (SEO?)
252 - browsing table sorting doesn't correctly sort buy now only auctions
256 - Searching by numeric high/low values searches alphabetically, not numerically
263 - Anonymous Listings: broken link on cart cancel button
266 - Twitter Feed / Storefront: Enable Twitter Feed for Storefront version of listing display pages
268 - "listings expiring soon" email copy to admin is blank
273 - Payment Gateway names appear on Invoices, but are not translatable
274 - make youtube videos fail more gracefully
275 - category counts not refreshed when listings expire at subscription end
240 - Not able to renew subscription before it expires
272 - Sometimes displays both tabs when category set to only use classifieds or auctions
276 - When creating listing in admin panel, WYSIWYG does not work
233 - Rare error when trying to copy listing that does not have order attached

6.0.3 (January 24, 2012)


255 - Update Smarty template engine to version 3.1.7
295 - add a method to redirect logins to referring page
296 - add more variables as available to contact seller/friend email templates
314 - Add Cron Setup admin page to Premier and Basic
324 - Add software hooks as requested by developer
326 - Error when uploading template set does not give much info about the problem
291 - Allow period (.) in usernames

[Security Fixes]

323 - Major security vulnerability reported and fixed, patch for older versions soon to follow - Security


319 - Searching for pre-valued category questions, problem with search results
308 - Templates re-compiled every page load, sometimes resulting in "Invalid Compiled Template in ..." error
312 - Column sorting links in search results sometimes don't work
317 - cannot place bid on dutch auctions
278 - Notify Friend/Seller Email Templates missing variables
279 - CashU payment gateway gives TOKEN_CHECK_FAILURE error
287 - Countries with special characters in their name break GeoNav dropdown
288 - browse modules not using full width when header bar not present
292 - buyer's email blank after Buy Now purchase
293 - Cache not work right for language-specific template sets
298 - Search by country/state has no results on country or state with spaces
300 - Auction final fees do not apply for buy now auctions - Auctions
301 - Account balance not auto-charged auction final fees when negative balances are not allowed - Enterprise, Auctions
303 - Item Awaiting Approval notice not sent for free orders
304 - In list of recurring billings, link to order is broken - Enterprise
305 - Listing Renewal allows purchasing more image slots than it should
307 - emails sent from registration process have an extra comma
309 - Featured Table in browsing should not highlight sorted columns
310 - "Field Empty" message in browsing table uses wrong text
318 - email domain blocker doesn't work
325 - Offsite video errors for "min number" not displayed when using SSL during listing placement
313 - Admin messaging did not send past first "batch" of e-mails.
315 - "Ending in 24 hours" option on advanced search not applicable to classified only sites - Classifieds

6.0.4 (February 22, 2012)


335 - add username as fallback to display username module
340 - Add switch to enable/disable browsing tabs (Auctions/Classified tabs), and improve usability when turned on
341 - Add new "All" browsing tab along-side classified and auction tabs
346 - Do not allow "downgrade" of classified if renewing before the classified is closed
347 - add listing url field to data shown in admin details view
353 - Requested additional hooks/changes for category and region counts
358 - Improve the whole word search to work with more word boundries
359 - Extend options for main search text to "other" and "optional field specific" searches
360 - Make the RSS feed use the "replace 0 cost with" setting
362 - Allow admin to show description formatting when browsing
364 - Add new API calls to get list of listings, at request of client

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


349 - Update minimum required MySQL database to at least 4.1
365 - Change needed for Paypal payment gateway
329 - Storefront: trial periods can be reused
331 - Edit Pre-Valued Dropdown form does not submit in IE9
337 - Verify Account button shows when turned on for site, but turned off for price plan
339 - malformed HTML in seller_form.tpl
344 - seller's other listings page doesn't follow listing filters
348 - JIT Registration doesn't check blocked email domains
351 - Does not allow switching to group-specific payment gateways
352 - Whole-word search for word(s) in multi-word tags
355 - dutch auction prices display as 0 in browsing tables
356 - quicksearching on a single optional field "only" actually searches all optional fields
361 - Sometimes listing extended just by "preview" of listing renewal
368 - missing text on My Account Info page
370 - auction sellers receive the wrong email upon the close of a successful auction
371 - browsing pic modules display incorrectly with fewer images than columns
328 - Search only uses last word in search terms
369 - Shows "none" for country/state when no country/state selected for listing
357 - Move the setting "Allow Photo / File Uploads"

6.0.5 (February 24, 2012)


- No enhancements for this release.

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


374 - Parent category counts not updated when listing is placed
377 - missing auction info in "high bidder" emails
373 - Image delete on legacy file uploader does not work
375 - Google Libraries API no longer needs API key
376 - "nothing to do?" debug message appears when editing template

6.0.6 (April 26, 2012)


381 - More supported Worldpay currency types
418 - Make text search able to search on "text ID number"
426 - New addon hook added for listing filters

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


402 - user doesn't return to referring page after a forced login
388 - Update minimum required PHP to version 5.2.3 (admin login problem, Smarty template related)
403 - Module content cache not being used on non-category pages like home page
414 - When creating "main template set", it does not activate it automatically
416 - automatic recurring payments (ARB) not logging payments correctly
299 - Special characters in "state" names break on non-UTF-8 databases
382 - bridge tries to login a new user before registering it with the bridged software
384 - fixed not being able to upgrade number of images in some cases
389 - Geographic navigation listing counts empty in some cases
404 - Stack Overflow at line 1824 during listing placement, using Internet Explorer
413 - Lost Password email doesn't send
415 - Tax not added for recurring items such as subscriptions
428 - broken links in order summary emails
390 - Extra "content_column_wide" div on cart page
391 - CashU payments not always automatically approved
392 - Search problems when searching for question value that has special chars
399 - The built-in "bot detection" is out-dated, need to update bot list
410 - User's price plan sometimes expired into non-existing price plan
411 - Missing steps when category is removed (deleted)
420 - optional/catspec fields missing from listing details form in some cases
429 - Order status changed to pending payment instead of staying incomplete

6.0.7 (May 23, 2012)


167 - Geographic Navigation region counts take current category into account

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


438 - Error when adding something to cart, caused by taxes
439 - Module cache not category-specific as it should be
271 - Listings placed with JIT skip the Listing Extras step - Classifieds, Auctions
431 - Newly-created categories are missing their names and descriptions.
435 - Fix listings getting indexed for wrong Geographic Navigation sub-domain
436 - Category-specific search link module was caching when it shouldn't
437 - Hostgator breaks license validation and connecting to remote servers (affects Youtube, latest version check, and more)
443 - Optimized category navigation to support large numbers of categories
440 - Custom smarty functions addon, module, header_html, and body_html, tag params not take precedence
444 - Weird anomalies when using top level regions along side built-in country/states

Other Changelogs