This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

Template Change "Diff" Method Choose method to show template changes:

17.04.0 (April 06, 2017)


1779 - Social Connect: Facebook Login updated to match new Facebook API response
1782 - Added display of "Additional Fees" to final bid confirmation page
1783 - Added 10 blank "Extra Text" fields to Common Template Text page, for use in expanding translated templates

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1773 - Fixed Charge-By-Word not working in category-specific pricing
1774 - Fixed Stripe checkout form sometimes not completing correctly
1775 - Restored missing Storefront links to search results
1776 - Fixed unresponsive "Display Category/Subcategory Navigation" admin settings
1778 - Fixed an error case involving php7 and older templates
1781 - Fixed multi-level fields being ignored in Advanced Search when also searching in a specific category
1784 - Fixed admin Categories page including archived listings in category counts
1777 - Fixed error when editing admin user's personal data
1780 - More improvements to the way search text is handled

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file system/auctions/bidding/bid_successful.tpl

  2. In file system/cart/payment_choices/index.tpl

  3. In file system/order_items/shared/jit_login_form.tpl

  4. In file system/payment_gateways/stripe/payment_details.cc_form.tpl

17.05.0 (May 10, 2017)


1785 - Updated ADOdb to latest version 5.20.9
1786 - Decreased memory footprint of new listing alert cron
1787 - Improved session handling for high-traffic sites

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1788 - Fixed sometimes being unable to clear category-specific checkbox values during a listing copy or edit
1789 - Listing Exporter: fixed start/end date entry fields not responding correctly
1790 - Fixed broken admin switch for new listing notification email
1791 - Remove browser tracking for "Other," since that usually represents bot/crawler hits and clutters up the useful data

[Template Changes]

- No Template changes in this release

17.07.0 (June 29, 2017)


1793 - Updated credit card type-checking to include the Mastercard "Series 2" range
1802 - Sharing Addon: Added Facebook "Share" button to My Account > Sharing page
1805 - New Image Block type: PhotoSwipe adds responsiveness, swipe navigation, pinch-zoom, and more

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1792 - Fixed one more PHP7 compatibility thing that got missed earlier
1794 - Fixed an SQL error on the admin's Manage Order/Items page
1795 - Resolved CORS error relating to trying to use subdomain navigation with ajax requests on subdomainless pages
1796 - Fixed inability to edit user email addresses in the admin
1797 - Fixed Public Questions section of Listing Details page not being hidden when turned off
1800 - Fixed Stripe payment gateway not playing well with others
1801 - Fixed a case where category selection would incorrectly throw an error when selecting between multiple price plans in listing placement
1803 - Fixed State and Country data not displaying in RSS feeds
1804 - Fixed being unable to edit Cost Options attached to Bulk Uploaded listings
1806 - Fixed inability to add new Buyer-Selected Cost Options when editing a listing
1799 - Fixed username missing from Seller's Other Listings page title

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. New file added: external/css/system/photoswipe/LICENSE
  3. New file added: external/css/system/photoswipe/photoswipe.css
  4. New file added: external/js/system/photoswipe/LICENSE
  5. New file added: external/js/system/photoswipe/default-skin/default-skin.css
  6. New file added: external/js/system/photoswipe/default-skin/default-skin.svg
  7. New file added: external/js/system/photoswipe/photoswipe-ui-default.js
  8. New file added: external/js/system/photoswipe/photoswipe.js
  9. In file main_page/listing_auction.tpl

  10. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  11. New file added: system/listing_details/image_block/photoswipe.tpl
  12. In file system/payment_gateways/stripe/payment_details.cc_form.tpl

17.10.0 (October 12, 2017)


1798 - Add noindex tag to pages with active Browsing Filters
1816 - re-implemented legacy language import tool
1821 - On user request, added a column for Order Item ID to the admin's List Items table
1826 - Added an option to easily turn on HTTPS for *all* pages
1828 - PHP 7.1 compatibility

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1808 - Social Connect: Fixed a case where new users would sometimes not be placed in the correct User Group
1809 - SEO addon: Corrected an issue that could prevent https URLs from being rewritten correctly
1810 - Fixed category-specific and multi-level field data sometimes disappearing upon listing edit
1811 - Fixed Buyer-Selected Cost Options being deleted from original listing when Copying to a new listing
1812 - Storefront: fixed state filter dropdown sometimes not showing all available states
1813 - Google Maps: Fixed maps sometimes not appearing when the server is using a non-US Locale
1814 - Fixed subcategory navigation links sometimes being unclickable
1815 - Fixed a couple edge cases in User Filter configuration
1818 - Fixed a couple cases where Buyer Selected Cost Option data would be improperly double-encoded
1820 - Storefront: Fixed a case where the first page of listings could be shown in the wrong order
1822 - Cleaned up a couple display oddities relating to the CashU payment gateway
1827 - Update XMLRPC api transport for PHP7 compatibility
1829 - Fixed Duration selection being ignored during Preview Listing while Set Auction End Time is active
1830 - Fixed a case where a user's Account Balance could be used to add funds to his Account Balance
1807 - Remove extra Attention Getters from My Favorites page
1819 - Fixed Contact Seller form from {listing} tag not showing the correct username for anonymous listings
1823 - Fixed the Address field populating with a single space character when info ommitted

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  2. In file system/browsing/common/category_block.tpl

  3. In file system/order_items/shared/cost_options/edit.tpl

  4. In file system/order_items/shared/cost_options/edit_combined_quantity.tpl

  5. In file system/order_items/shared/cost_options/index.tpl

  6. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

Other Changelogs