This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

Template Change "Diff" Method Choose method to show template changes:

17.01.0 (January 31, 2017)


1145 - New Addon: Profile Pictures
1282 - Updated TinyMCE to latest v4.5.1
1714 - New listing setting: minimum price - Sponsored
1718 - Price Drop Auctions: Added static drop amounts
1719 - Added ability to search by start date on Advanced Search - Sponsored
1724 - PHP7 Compatibility
1726 - Updated Mobile Detect library to 2.8.22
1727 - New Payment Gateway: Stripe
1732 - Updated CommWeb payment gateway to reflect API changes
1735 - Admin Text Export/Import Revamped
1737 - New Admin Design -- Modern Look, Responsive Templates!
1738 - Manage Orders / Manage Items pages now default to showing All, instead of Pending
1739 - Enhanced Stats display on Admin Home
1740 - Admin Search Users page completely reworked
1741 - Cleaned up Admin Remove User process
1742 - Removed Obsolete Setting: Site Setup > User Account Settings > My Account Home Type
1743 - Made Search Users result table sortable
1744 - Change List Users "joined date" format to be more useful
1745 - Added a search box to the admin List Users page
1746 - Moved the admin's User Importer into the Users / User Groups navigation category
1748 - Admin page navigation is now preserved after a session timeout

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1750 - Fixed a display error in Gallery Browsing
1715 - Fixed bad reference to template file in Provider Fee plan item
1717 - Corrected an issue that could have caused Seller-Buyer transactions to always take place in USD
1720 - Removed the payment gateway, which seems to have gone out of business
1721 - Fixed an issue that could prevent certain listings with missing category data from being renewed
1725 - Fixed an interaction between multi-level fields and category searching that could sometimes cause the Advanced Search page to return incorrect results
1728 - Fixed active region filter being ignored in module pagination
1729 - Fixed module secondary pages ignoring language filters
1734 - Fixed some category data not being saved correctly when creating a new category
1751 - Fixed inability to disable Storefront Subscription plan items
1752 - Fixed admin resetting a listing duration clearing its attached payment options
1753 - Fixed Attention Getters not appearing on order information in a couple spots in the admin
1722 - Fixed a case where manually approving an incomplete order could lead to that order being deleted
1747 - Cleaned up some weird interactions between tabs in the Design Manager
1749 - The Anonymous Listings system user can no longer be deleted
1723 - Fixed admin home page miscounting total number of Better Placement ads when Better Placement Rotation is in use
1731 - Storefront: Fixed a missing text label on the My Account Info page
1733 - Restored a couple of missing images in the Feedback configuration section of the admin
1736 - Renamed password hash types

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  3. In file external/js/plugins/tabs.js

  4. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  5. In file system/auctions/bidding/bid_setup.tpl

  6. In file system/classes/HTML/date_select.tpl

  7. In file system/invoices/common/invoice_body.tpl

  8. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  9. New file added: system/payment_gateways/stripe/payment_details.cc_form.tpl
  10. In file system/search_class/details_form.tpl

  11. In file system/tinymce.tpl

  12. In file system/user_management/home/my_account_home.tpl

  13. In file system/user_management/information/edit_user_form.tpl

17.03.0 (March 14, 2017)


1759 - 3rd party library updated: SwiftMailer
1761 - Fully removed the old pre-v4 version of the My Account page, for simplicity
1764 - Clicking on My Account > Feedback Management while having open feedbacks now takes the user to the Open Feedbacks page

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1754 - Corrected a javascript error that could lock up pages for new visitors without the tinymce variable in local storage
1756 - Fixed a possible division-by-zero error in an extra questions template
1763 - Fixed javascript errors in listing placement page when WYSIWYG is turned OFF
1766 - Listing Exporter: fixed Export button not properly submitting the form
1770 - Buyer-Selected Cost Options may now be edited during a Listing Edit
1755 - Fixed a bug that could cause a Provider Fee to not delete itself when all items were removed from the Cart
1758 - Fixed description HTML printing in browse views
1760 - Fixed an case where PayPal Pro could sometimes try to use an outdated security certificate
1762 - Fixed auction Quantity Type field reverting to Item if set to Lot before a Listing Preview
1765 - Restored browser-default context menu when right-clicking on WYSIWYG
1767 - Fixed multi-quantity seller-buyer auctions multiplying the purchased quantity into the final price twice
1768 - Fixed admin wysiwyg stripping some HTML content that it shouldn't have
1769 - Fixed registration optional fields having incorrect starting values when editing a user's profile in the admin
1757 - Fixed JIT Re-Send Code button not working on some server configs
1771 - Fixed search_text cache sometimes not updating correctly when Copying a listing

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/js/gjmain.js

  2. In file external/js/listing_placement.js

  3. In file external/js/plugins/utility.js

  4. In file system/order_items/shared/cost_options/edit.tpl

  5. In file system/order_items/shared/jit_login_form.tpl

  6. In file system/order_items/shared/questions.tpl

  7. In file system/tinymce.tpl

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