This file is a technical summary of changes in the Geodesic Solutions Classifieds and Auctions software. Each entry will link to the corresponding bug found in Bugzilla on our website (You will need current support contract to view, more info here).

Template Change "Diff" Method Choose method to show template changes:

16.07.0 (July 28, 2016)


1679 - PayPal Chain Payments integration
1684 - Added support for BCRYPT (PHP Native) password hashing [requires PHP 5.5+]
1687 - Implemented a Provider Fee plan item - Sponsored

[Security Fixes]

1696 - Closed a potential XSS vector - Security


1685 - Storefront: Fixed a fatal error that could occur when using extra fields with the built-in contact form in a Storefront Page
1686 - Fixed image display spending time re-acquiring image dimensions when it didn't need to
1688 - Fixed interaction between category cache and javascript-in-footer for new subcategory popup
1689 - Twitter Feed: updated to account for new formatting of HTML code created by Twitter
1690 - The additional price added by Buyer-Selected Cost Options will now be included in the total cost when using Paypal Seller-Buyer transactions
1692 - Storefront: fixed inability to save Custom Page data with WYSIWYG turned off
1693 - Storefront: missing glyphicons after editing custom page data
1697 - Pedigree Tree: allow search fields to appear correctly on category-specific advanced search form

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. New file added: external/js/system/browsing/category_popup.js
  2. In file system/browsing/common/category_block.tpl

  3. In file system/other/ajax_searchQuestions.tpl

  4. In file system/payment_gateways/seller_buyer/paypal/payment_choices_checkbox.tpl

16.09.0 (September 19, 2016)


1695 - New installs / Default templates: Tokenized text appearing within main_page templates, so it can be localized
1700 - Social Connect: Add price plan expiration times when creating a new user
1702 - Signs/Fliers: Add URL fields as displayable elements that can be added to signs and fliers - Sponsored
1704 - Added a notification to the admin Design pages to make it more apparent when there is no Active template set
1706 - New Addon: Price Drop Auctions - Sponsored
1712 - new custom smarty function: {language_select}

[Security Fixes]

- No Security fixes or patches for this release.


1711 - Fixed bcrypt password hashing to actually work!
1699 - Disabled smarty trimwhitespace filter for admin pages
1701 - Disabling the ability of a User Group to create listings no longer removes unrelated My Account links
1703 - Sharing: fixed an odd interaction with Social Connect elements when Social Connect was not enabled
1707 - Messages left unread but deleted by the receiver will no longer be counted among the receiver's unread messages
1708 - Fixed inability to renew unlimited-duration listings
1710 - Fixed Listing Expiring Soon emails not being sent for Anonymous listings
1713 - Fixed a bug that could prevent High Bidder notification emails from being sent
1709 - Fixed an animation issue that could cause multiple Remove buttons to be present in Additional Regions selection
1698 - Fixed offsite videos sometimes displaying an incorrect price-per-video in the cart, during a Listing Upgrade
1705 - Fixed Edit User Info's apply-to-mapping option leaving out user's state/country

[Template Changes]

Reference Purposes Only: Like the rest of this changelog, the template changes below are for reference purposes only, not (necessarily) a list of changes everyone needs to follow. Refer to the full update instructions to find if you need to make any template changes during an update.


Note the following about highlighted lines you will see in this section.

This is a line that has been Added
This is a line that has been Removed
This is a line that has not changed.
  1. In file external/css/default.css

  2. In file main_page/alternate_front_pages/clean_categories.tpl

  3. In file main_page/alternate_front_pages/showcase.tpl

  4. In file main_page/alternate_front_pages/traditional.tpl

  5. In file main_page/extra_pages/advertise_with_us.tpl

  6. In file main_page/footer.tpl

  7. In file main_page/front_page.tpl

  8. In file main_page/header.tpl

  9. New file added: main_page/helpers/language_select.tpl
  10. In file main_page/listing_auction.tpl

  11. In file main_page/listing_classified.tpl

  12. In file system/order_items/additional_regions/details_collection.tpl

  13. In file system/order_items/shared/listing_collect_details.tpl

  14. In file system/other/choose_language_form.tpl

Other Changelogs